2/23/10 American Idol - Top 12 Girls

Yes, I watch American Idol. And yes, I have opinions.
The Judges:
Randy Jackson - I think he's on a mission to find the most completely generic thing to say at any given time. It's so bad that I can't even really review him, so I'll just say "he did his thing." (Dawg)
Kara Dioguardi - I don't really know what she's talking about. Ever. She does make some pretty serious faces, though, and that probably counts for something. She totally said "Bitch" too!
Simon Cowell - He was off last night. It was bizarre; one of those "it must sound different in person" sort of nights. He commented to one of the girls about the surplus of internet singer-songwriters putting acoustic twists on hits...what exactly do you expect when the most mediocre internet busker won the whole damned thing last year?
Ellen Degeneres - I'm not blown away, but I do like what she's done so far. Paula's niche was ostensibly the performance portion of the judging, and I think Ellen is perfect for that. I found myself agreeing with her on just about every performance.
The Contestants, Worst to Best:
Lacey Brown - Just didn't get it. Bad song, bad performance.
Janell Wheeler - I had to walk away from the TV. My wife asked, "Do you want me to pause it?" I replied, "No. Never."
Paige Miles - Awful, awful song choice. It distracted from an OK vocal.
Ashley Rodriguez and Michelle Delamor - I can't separate them in my mind. They're not bad, but they're both as boring as they are beautiful. Like a pair of Maria Menounos.
Katie Stevens - Not bad, but too precocious for my taste.
Didi Benami - I think she was the one savaged by Simon's busker comment, and I don't think it was totally deserved. However, my grandma's 1974 apartment called, and it wants its rug back.
Lilly Scott - Here's where the girls start getting stronger, and while she was technically pretty good, I think she lacked star quality.
Crystal Bowersox - Beautiful voice, but please lose the harp. I'm sorry, you can't play a harp on a rig like that and look anything but goofy...and I know it fit with the song, but I don't really think it added. I just don't think you can play a mouth-intensive instrument on a singing competition. I'm imagining a trombone player next.
Haeley Vaughn - I really don't get the non-Ellen judges' criticism. I thought it was interesting and cool, and I can't believe she's only sixteen. Definitely unique.
Katelyn Epperly - I despised her divorce storyline, but I'm officially calling her my darkhorse favorite to win this year. She has a great look, a cool voice, and interesting influences. (Favorite female vocalist on her profile: Karen O) If she can control her hair like she controls her voice, she could be a big star.
Siobhan Magnus - I put her in the top spot strictly on vocal quality, because she was pretty fantastic last night. However, I'm a little terrified of her. Something tells me she has an altar made of fingernail clippings somewhere.
Overall Impression
A bizarre night with weird judging. I don't think anyone put all of the elements together, but I still pick Katelyn Epperly to go all the way.
No I don't watch American Idol. Yes I have an opinion of people who do. ; ) jk